Everything you need to know

If there is anything you cannot find here, then do not hesitate to email us at [email protected]

What to bring

  • Comfy outfits suitable for yoga

  • Layers! It can be pretty cold in October, so best to plan for cold weather, particularly in the Highlands

  • A shawl or blanket to drape over yourself during stillness and meditation to keep cosy and warm

  • Nightwear

  • Toiletries – We do provide shampoo, soap and conditioner 

  • Wet weather clothes

  • Walking shoes or trainers that you don’t mind getting wet! Wellies are also a good idea if you have space but not necessary

  • Swimsuit and extra towel for loch swimming. Booties and gloves for the cold water swimming also a good option if you have them

What we will provide

  • Towels and bedding 

  • Shampoo, conditioner, soap and body wash

  • We have a number of yoga mats and blocks so if you don’t have a yoga mat (or would prefer not to bring your own), then there will be one for you. You are welcome of course to bring your own mat if preferred

  • Tea, coffee, water throughout the day and all meals and snacks. No need to bring food 🙂

Where you will stay

You will be staying at Farr House, a beautiful stately home dating back to the Georgian era. This unique property includes a converted chapel and tenants hall and has been recently renovated to the highest standard. Each room is unique and we think you will feel really comfortable and at home in this home. There are plenty of spaces to relax including a stunning library with an eclectic range of old books. Farr House is also near a beautiful private loch, which you are welcome to swim in.

The Yoga

You will enjoy yoga classes morning and evening throughout the retreat.

Yoga in the morning will be energising and strength building. The class will run for approximately 75 minutes

Yoga in the evening will be a yin style class which involves longer holds and is focused on letting go. The class will run for approximately 60 minutes. 

Yoga nidra will be offered to guests on the Saturday evening. It is a guided meditation focused on deep relaxation to get you ready for a peaceful sleep.

Toni Osborne will be your teacher for the morning and evening classes throughout the retreat.

Jessica Horne will teach the yoga nidra session.

All classes are entirely optional.


(subject to change)